Archive for Engine Oil

Check Your Car’s Engine Oil: 7 Easy Steps

Check Your Car’s Engine Oil: 7 Easy Steps

Regularly checking your car’s engine oil is a simple yet important maintenance task that every car owner should know how to do. Engine or motor oil lubricates the engine’s internal components and ensures smooth operation. This blog provides an easy, step-by-step guide on how to check your car’s motor oil. We’ll cover locating the engine […]

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Auto Engine Oil Grades: Everything You Need to Know

Auto Engine Oil Grades: Everything You Need to Know

Do you know that the W in auto engine oil doesn’t stand for weight? It seems so logical, yet it is entirely incorrect. Who knew? Many of you are probably raising your hand right now, but maybe one or two of you learned something new with this revelation. You don’t need to be an auto […]

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Posted in: Engine Oil, Maintenance

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